Report on Council: July 9, 2012

eport on Council:
July 9, 2012
Committee of the Whole Meeting: 9:00 am – 12:29 pm
Regular Meeting: 7:00 pm – 7:25 pm
Mayor Millar, Deputy Mayor Lawrence, Councillors Claire, Warren and ,Wishart

International Joint Commissioner (IJC) Hearing
Deputy Mayor Lawrence announced that a hearing on the International Upper Great Lakes Study (Final Report) is scheduled for Monday, July 16, 2012 at 7:00 pm at the North Simcoe Recreation Centre in Midland. He intends to attend and speak at the hearing, and encourages other Council members to do likewise. He will be contacting Mayors and Deputy Mayors of neighbouring municipalities to seek their support for restoring water levels in Georgian Bay.

Water Quality in Farlain Lake
Keith Sherman, Executive Director of the Severn Sound Environmental Association, delivered their comprehensive report on the study of the water quality in Farlain Lake. It included information on the size and depth of the lake; concentration levels of metals, phosphorous, ammonia, nitrate and Phytoplankton (Algae)/Zooplankton. He noted that the lake has moderately low nutrient concentrations, low algal biovolume and high clarity. Council resolved to receive the report as information and discuss the matter further at a future meeting of Council.

Historical Designation of Concession 2E Bridge
Lyn Downer and Joe Allevato, members of the Historical & Heritage Advisory Committee, addressed Council requesting to have the Concession 2E Bridge designated as historical. Mr. Downer noted that he appeared before Council in 2008 with a proposal to designate the bridge and was turned down because of the Site 41 “fiasco”. The bridge was the first one built in Tiny and is the last one still in existence. He stressed the bridge is an integral part of the heritage of Tiny Township and is worthy of designation as a site of cultural and historical importance. Council resolved to receive the presentation and further discuss it at a future meeting of Council.

Trent Severn Waterway and Rideau Canal
Deputy Mayor Lawrence reported on a discussion at a recent North Simcoe Heads of Council regarding potential cutbacks at the Parks Canada Trent Severn Waterway and Rideau Canal. He noted that the local MP and MPP are fully engaged on the situation and that no cutbacks are forecast for 2012.

County Council Update
Mayor Millar reported on the Strategic Planning session at County Council on July 3, 2012. He noted that County staff would begin reporting relevant information from the County Council meetings to member municipalities. In addition, County staff will be readily available to make presentations to member municipalities on issues that are of concern (e.g., garbage pickup, Great Lakes water level, etc).
He also reported that the County budget has a surplus of $8.8 million which will be allocated to projects including social housing ($3.8), roads ($2.0) and the balance towards the debt incurred for the expansion of the Administration Centre.

Three-way Stop Sign for the Intersection of TBRS and Lawson Road
Council approved a recommendation from Henk Blom, Manager of Public Works, to place three-way stop signs at the intersection of Tiny Beaches Road South and Lawson Road as requested by the Woodland Beach Property Owners’ Association.

Community Infrastructure Investment Fund Initiative
Doug Luker, CAO/Clerk, reported on launch of a new Community Infrastructure Improvement Fund (CHF) in Ontario by the Minister of State for the Federal Economic Development Agency for Ontario (FedDev Ontario). It provides funding for rehabilitation and improvements to community, cultural, recreational and tourism facilities. Council authorized staff to prepare and submit two funding applications: i) rehabilitation and improvements to the Perkinsfield Pavilion asphalt surface, boards, and ancillary building and ii) rehabilitation of the existing heating/cooling system with a new HVAC system for the Township of Tiny Community Centre.

Modification of the Boardwalk at Bluewater Beach Park
It was moved by Lawrence, seconded by Claire, that Council refers all further modification in regards of the front boardwalk to the Bluewater Beach Park to be reviewed by the Township Accessibility Advisory Committee and the Bluewater Dunes Restoration Advisory Committee; and that they present a joint plan for Council and staff to review. No further action is to be taken on this issue at the park until Council approves the plan and its funding.