Report on Council:March 26, 2012

Report on Council:
March 26, 2012
Committee of the Whole Meeting: 9:00 am – 1:23 pm
Confidential closed session 12:21pm -1:22 pm
Regular Meeting:7:00 pm – 7:43 pm
Mayor Millar, Deputy Mayor Lawrence, Councillors Claire, Warren and Wishart present

Lafontaine Pavilion/Washrooms and Septic System
Council discussed an oral submission by Marc Moreau to revise the policy prohibiting advertising of tobacco and alcohol at municipal parks. At this time, Deputy Mayor Lawrence asked that the request to amend the Facility Advertising and Promotions Policy be withdrawn. Further discussion took place regarding the municipal responsibility for capital projects within municipal parks.
Council directed staff to seek quotations for the supply and installation of washrooms and septic system for the Lafontaine Pavilion. Plans to be prepared by C. C. Tatham and Associates Ltd. and all work completed prior to the Festival du Loup (July 13-15, 2012) Available funding from the Municipal Infrastructure Investment Initiative (MIII) in the amount of approximately $42,000 shall be allocated for this project, subject to agency approval.

Bluewater Dunes Restoration
In accordance with a report from the Bluewater Dunes Restoration Advisory Committee (BDRAC) discussed on March 12, Council directed staff to:
• Review the financial feasibility of removing the front boardwalk with machinery;
• Study and report to Council on the feasibility of modifying the boardwalk between the beach and Nicole pump station as BDRAC recommended, to be included in the 2013 Budget and or on the 2012 Budget;
• Provide an estimate for future budget consideration on all other requests outlined by the BDRAC;
• To develop a communication strategy for the neighbourhood in consultation with BDRAC.

2012 Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative Annual Meeting and Conference
Council authorized Councillor Gibb Wishart and Keith Sherman of the Severn Sound Environmental Association to attend the 2012 Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative Annual Meeting and Conference. Councillor Wishart requested Keith Sherman’s attendance because he can cover the technical issues relating to water.
Councillor Warren presented a draft letter to the Ontario Minister of the Environment, Jim Bradley, prepared by the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative, outlining guiding principles and specific suggestions for a possible Great LakesProtection Act. He also noted the deadline for submitting comments is March 27, 2012.

Simcoe County Council Update
Deputy Mayor Lawrence reported that the tendering process for Waste Management will take place on March 27, 2012. He felt that Tiny had the right to know who is making tenders for waste management. He raised concerns regarding the inability of the small/local contractors to tender because new trucks are needed to accommodate the lifts. This will mean that the larger companies will get the contracts and hire back as middlemen the locals who hitherto have been doing the job well. As Mayor Millar remarked, it may be the savings through economy of scale are more imagined than real. Neither the Mayor nor Deputy Mayor support the County approach.
Mayor Millar expressed his discomfort with the lack of accountability at County level because the county reps are not directly elected. Representatives from municipal councils are not bound by the decisions of their council. Simcoe County is a half billion dollar corporation and governance is an issue. Mayor Millar is uncomfortable with passing more decision making authority to County Council. The other problem is that representatives are overwhelmed with the volume of information that County expects them to digest. As an example, a 400-page Waste Water Report was discussed at the Corporate Services Committee meeting at which time the Mayor asked that the report be received for information and discussed at a later date. With the volume of information it is difficult to know whether the county wants reps to closely review the information or rubber stamp it. Mayor Millar would recommend that representatives be directly elected from their regions of the county. That way they would represent the view of their regions.

Planning Matters
Council authorized staff to give notice of the request by Beamish Construction for amendments to the Official Plan and Zoning By-law in accordance with Sections 22 and 34 of the Planning Act to allow the expansion of their gravel pit in the North Part Lot 80, Concession 1 0.S.(Conc. 9) northward, as discussed on March 12.
Council resolved to take actions to exchange property on Peek-A-Boo Trail (Reference Plan 51R-35592) to allow the Mailloux family to access their property there.
They also approved the application to extend an existing Temporary Use Agreement for a garden suite to be occupied by the owner`s parents at 570 Lafontaine Road East.

Appointment of Bill Goodale of C.C. Tatham & Associates Ltd. as Septic Inspector
The Ministry of Municipal Affairs discovered that the Township of Tiny has two Chief Building Officers on record which is a contravention of the Building Code Act. The Ministry requested that Tiny change the registration of Bill Goodale to septic inspector with the powers and duties of a building officer.

Annual Reports on the Seventeen Municipal Water Systems
The reports are required for each large and small municipal residential water system and must be given to members of Council no later than March 31 of the following calendar year.
Council confirmed that the 2011 Annual Drinking Water Reports have been completed and that a copy of the 2011 Annual Summary Report was provided to each member of Council for information.

Chlorine Analyzer Replacements for the Water Department
Council authorized the purchase of four new chlorine analyzers from Metcon Sales and Engineering Ltd., in the amount of $11,600.00 plus HST.

Council Meeting Format
Councillor Wishart requested that members of Council consider changing the format of the Council meetings in an effort to provide the public with an opportunity at the beginning of each meeting to speak to a matter included on the agenda. A discussion took place regarding the benefits of having the public submit a request for oral submission when they wish to have a topic discussed and/or having their views heard.