Report on Council: October 31, 2011

Report on Council
October 31, 2011
Committee of the Whole Meeting: 9:00 am –1:20 pm
Confidential closed session 11:29 am -12:30 pm
Regular Meeting: 1:30 pm – 1:45 pm
Mayor Millar, Deputy Mayor Lawrence, Councillors Claire, Warren and Wishart present

County Council Update
Waste collection in the County of Simcoe is divided into zones with companies bidding on business. In Tiny a local company won the bid and employs local residents. It has purchased trucks that can handle recycling. Simcoe is considering a central collection service. Tiny is not sure that this would be the most economical way to go. What happens to the small local companies and their equipment? They are set up for the smaller zones, not the larger county. Simcoe views leaf waste as part of their mandate and has a certificate of approval from the Ministry of the Environment. They would use loaders and dump trucks and a tow-behind vacuum machine. Mayor Millar contends that Simcoe should not undertake this mandate because Tiny can be more flexible in the timing of leaf pickup and it can do it for half the price of what Simcoe would charge. Fortunately Tiny has an exemption.

Concession 8 Accessible Parking Spaces
An apple tree is posing a safety risk to those who use the designated accessible parking spaces. It is difficult to maneuver around the apples on the ground. The Accessibility Committee recommends removal of the tree. Henk Blom will investigate.

Georgian Bay General Hospital Foundation Report
Lynda Wolfhard, President of the GBGH Foundation, reported that the emergency department receives 41,000 visits per year, of which 5,351 are from from Tiny residents. From October to May it serves 65,000 residents but in the summer season that number balloons to 150,000. A new Picture Archiving and Communications System or PACS allows medical images to be instantly read internationally and provides immediate analysis. It cost $1.5 million. The Emergency Department Redevelopment is costing $12.7 million with the County providing $2.6 million, the Ministry $7.2 million and $2.1 million from Our Best Care Capital Campaign. The remaining $0.8 million still needs to be raised over 2 years. Mayor Millar recognizes the role municipalities play in fundraising.

Dead Birds
The dead birds recently collected by the municipality have been buried in the Clearview landfill in bags to create heat and decomposition.

False alarm Policy
To encourage residents and businesses to ensure that their household alarm systems are in proper working order, Council has decided on a procedure for administering responses to false alarms as follows: First False Alarm no charge; Second False Alarm no charge but a warning notice is sent; Third False Alarm $200 charge. The Southern Georgian Bay OPP responded to 600 alarms per year between 2007 and 2010. Attendance at false alarms diverts police from other community safety needs.
Moved by Lawrence and seconded by Claire, the proposed bylaw 11-014 was passed 5-0.

OPP Policing Contract
OPP Detachment Commander, Sgt. Dave Brack, and two other officers made a presentation to Council on the benefits of contracting police services with the OPP. Under the OPP contract Tiny is provided with administrative support in the form of contract negotiations, arbitration and grievance expenses, victim assistance, freedom of information, workplace harassment prevention policy, an employee assistance program and a public complaints system. There is also the availability of additional staffing support from the Southern Georgian Bay detachment, neighbouring detachments, regional headquarters and General headquarters. In turn, if a provincial level response is required police servicing the municipality would be sent to the crisis. The OPP ensures stability in staffing levels and the Townships of Tay and Tiny Police Services Board controls policing priorities and objectives and input into Commander selection and performance.  The township has one of the busiest marine units in the province. The waters of Georgian Bay can be dangerous but the OPP marine unit is staffed with officers who know the waters. As long as Tiny is under contract to the OPP, Ministry Support Funding (Ride Grants) is available.
Moved by Warren, seconded by Wishart that the contract policing proposal be referred to staff for review and report recommendations. Carried 5-0.

New Fire Chief Appointed
Moved by Claire, seconded by Lawrence, that Council appoint Tony Minfoff as Manager Emergency Services/Fire Chief. Carried 5-0

Budget Meeting – November 2
The first Budget Meeting on November 2 will discuss the draft operating budgets for Salaries; Municipal Law Enforcement; Recreation Programs/Community Recreation Advisory Committee; Municipal Taxation; Council; Administration/Clerk Dept; Treasury Dept; CAP; Health & Safety; IT/GIS/Records Management System; Municipal Elections; Radio Communications; Policing; Emergency Planning and Fire; Animal Control; Public Works/Administration/Roads/Equipment Repairs/Maintenance; Water; Parks Maintenance; Bluewater Dunes Restoration Advisory Committee and Accessibility Advisory Committee.

The next Budget meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 23, 2011 at 9:00 am.