
…to the new Tiny Cottager Online!

Today we launch a new, refreshed website. Much of the content is unchanged, but the way it is displayed and managed is very different. Take a look around. We think the site is easier to navigate and has a cleaner, more uniform look. It will also allow us to provide more kinds of content more easily.

One thing you’ll notice is the ability to share content here more easily via Twitter, Facebook and a variety of other social media platforms. There is a great deal of useful information on this site and there’s no reason not to spread the word when you think friends and colleagues would benefit from it.

There are still some areas that will need a bit of tweaking but we are working toward having everything freshened up in short order.

As always we encourage your feedback, please do not hesitate to let us know if you have any suggestions, comments or concerns. You can email us about the website (as always) at webmaster@tinycottager.org.

Thank you for visiting the New Tiny Cottager Online!