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Tiny Cottager Articles

Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor Tim Tully’s article in the last issue of the Cottager, “A Bird in the Hand? Rare Birds in Tiny,” was superb. Nice to know we have such an expert resident in our Township. His comment about my seemingly endless search to sight a Hooded Warbler (“Bald Eagles in [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles


WORK BEGINS ON SITE 41 SITE 41 AUTHORIZED BY COUNTY: Although hundreds of citizens turned out to oppose Site 41, the Simcoe County Council authorized $659,000 at its June 26 meeting so that berms, temporary roads and the first “cell” for garbage could be constructed. The vote was close –16-15 on [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

Inventive – and Effective – Fundraising

Inventive – and Effective – Fundraising Every year, cottage associations come up with different ways to have fun while raising money for worthwhile causes. This year the focus was the Huronia Hospitals Foundation and the Wye Marsh Wildlife Centre. The palm for inventiveness goes to the black tie and bathing [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

Report on Council

Report on Council MEMBERS OF COUNCIL: Mayor Peggy Breckenridge Deputy Mayor George Lawrence Councillor André Claire Councillor George Cornell Councillor Nigel Warren ADMINISTRATION CHANGE: Ruth Coursey, the Township’s CAO/Clerk, has accepted a position as CAO of the Town of Lakeshore (population 35,000) in Essex County. This, we gather, is a good [more]

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The Environment

E. Coli: A Permanent Resident of Our Beaches?

E. Coli: A Permanent Resident of Our Beaches? By Dr. Allan Crowe, Research Hydrogeologist, Environment Canada E. coli . . . during the past few years this simple word has evoked both fear and confusion in shoreline residents and people swimming at the beaches of Tiny Township. Why do unacceptable [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

Wind Farm Update: Bigger Turbines Prompt Council Study

Wind Farm Update: Bigger Turbines Prompt Council Study By Jack Ellis   Source: Ventus Draft ESR, Figure 7.3, page 53 Over two years ago Ventus Energy Inc. proposed six 400-foot high wind turbines centred on the open fields of the Robitaille Farm site in the 19th Concession. They set up [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

The President’s Message

The President’s Message by Judith Grant In 1999-2000 when citizen groups met to discuss various aspects of Tiny’s “New” Official Plan, they made sure that it was “Environment First”. And in the years since then, Tiny’s residents have become more and more aware of the need to take care of the [more]