Concerned about the Tax Bite from Simcoe County?

Concerned about the Tax Bite from Simcoe County?
–want to help?

A third of municipal taxes collected by Tiny support our upper tier municipal government — Simcoe County. Yet we know remarkably little about how it operates and have made no regular attempt to influence its decisions.

We would like to put together a team to monitor the key meetings at County and to gradually gain the kind of understanding that we have of our Township governance. County meetings take place in the Council Chambers of the County Building at 1110 Highway 26, Midhurst. We’re hoping to share the work of observing and reporting with ratepayers’ groups in other parts of the County and to lay a base for concerted, cross-county action.

Three committees (each involving roughly a third of the members of County Council) discuss the issues and make recommendations to County Council, which then votes on them. The three committees are: Human Services (second Tuesday of each month, at 9 am), Corporate Services (second Wednesday of each month, at 9 am), and Performance Management (second Thursday of each month, at 9 am). County Council (which includes the Mayors and Deputy Mayors of each of 16 municipalities) usually meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Agendas and Minutes are available on the County’s website — — under County Government.

Ideally we should have observers at each of these four monthly meetings. We’ll be feeling our way about how to report and share information. Would potential volunteer observers and reporters please contact