Council Reports: June 11, 2007

REPORT ON COUNCILJune 11, 2007Committee of the Whole Meeting: 9:00 am – 4:47 p.m.Regular Evening Meeting: 7:00 p.m. – 7:36 p.m.All Members of Council present.

CONFIDENTIAL / CLOSED SESSION: 10:42 a.m. – 1:06 p.m. and 3:27 p.m. – 4:46 p.m.

PUBLIC MEETING ABOUT FENCE STANDARDS: After considerable discussion, Council reached a decision about Fence Standards. These are to become part of “Zoning By-law 06-001”. Fences and retaining walls are to be removed from the definition of a structure and a new definition of a fence is to be included along with a new subsection about fences under “Section 4.0 General Provisions” to control the type and height of fences. There is to be a public meeting about the changes, in the Community Centre in Wyebridge on August 11 at 10 a.m.Section 3.0 Definitions, “Structure” is to read:“Means anything that is erected, built, or constructed of parts joined together and attached or fixed permanently to the ground or any other structure. For the purpose of this by-law, a light standard and a sign shall be deemed not to be structures.”And Definitions “Fence” is to read:“Means a composition serving as an enclosure, a barrier, or boundary delineation, usually made of posts or stakes joined together by boards, wire, or rails.”And Section 4.0 General Provisions is to be amended to add:4.7.1 FENCESa) Notwithstanding any other provision of this by-law, a fence shall not exceed a height of 1.9 metres;b) Fence height is to be calculated by taking the average measurement from grade to the top of each post. In addition no single fence post shall exceed a maximum height of 1.9 metres;c) Decorative caps on top of a post may encroach into the height restriction to a maximum of no more than 0.3 metres;d) No fence is to be constructed from ungraded used lumber, unsightly and/or deteriorating used material. In all residential zones, no fence is to be constructed from barbed wire or any device designed to transmit electric current through a fence;e) Fences to enclose swimming pools shall not be subject to the above provisions, but must comply with all other Municipal By-laws and Ontario building Code regulations; andf) In reference to fences in Sight Triangles, see Section 4.21.

COMMUNITY EVENTS: Mayor Peggy Breckenridge reminded everyone that the 1st Annual Mayor’s Pig Roast would take place on Saturday, July 7, 2007, from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Perkinsfield park. Contributions are to go towards the maintenance of Tiny Trails. Also the Annual Mayor’s Charity Golf Tournament is scheduled for Saturday, August 25, 2007 at 1:00 p.m. at the Balm Beachway Golf Course (250 Concession 11E/Perkinsfield) The $50 charge per person includes 9 holes of golf, a player gift bag, competition prizes and dinner. Proceeds are to be donated to Habitat for Humanity.

ACCESSIBILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE NEEDS VOLUNTEERS: As Tiny’s population count is now over 10,000, the Township is required to establish an Accessibility Advisory Committee under the Ontarians with Disabilities Act. The Township is inviting applications from people with, and families of people with, disabilities. The Committee is to advise Council on its annual accessibility plan; to review site plans and advise on accessibility issues relating to buildings within the Municipality. Applicants must be residents of Tiny, over the age of 18, and not employed by the Township. Applications are to go to A. Ruth Coursey, CAO/Clerk, 130 Balm Beach Road West, Perkinsfield, Ontario L0L 2J0 or by e-mail to or fax to 705-526-4204.

WOODLAND BEACH PARK MASTER PLAN INFORMATION SESSIONS: On June 11, Council approved the hiring of LGL Limited and John D. Bell Associates to prepare a Master Plan for Woodland Beach Park. The consultants will conduct Information Session #1 on Saturday, July 21st, 2007 at 11:00 a.m. – Woodland Beach Park. The consultants note that the purpose of this session will be to meet with residents to discuss opportunities and challenges that the site presents. They will review existing ecological conditions and talk about some of the fundamental principles that should form the foundation of the Master Plan. They may form smaller discussion groups to talk about specific topics identified by the residents, including:· Uses, activities and facilities on the site;· Parking and signage for the park;· Need for public washroom and change room facilities;· Environmental stewardship practices;· impact on the beach ecology (i.e. dunes and vegetation);· The adequacy of the transportation network;· Provision of safe pedestrian movementInformation Session #2 is to take place on Saturday, September 15th, 2007 (location and time to be announced). The purpose of this session will be to present the findings of the draft Plan and to work in small groups to review various components of the Master Plan identified since the first Information Session.

ILLEGAL ACCESSORY APARTMENTS / APARTMENTS OVER GARAGES: Members of Council have repeatedly expressed concern about the many illegal accessory apartments in the shoreline area, and staff have noted that after new garages have been built and inspected, owners frequently add illegal apartments. This is a matter which is to be revisited and considered at a later date. Inadequately-sized septic arrangements are one of a number of concerns related to these apartments. A preliminary report on the matter (Planning Report PD-13-07: Accessory Apartments) includes the observation that “If the Municipality was to consider allowing accessory apartments, a full study should be conducted to examine the impact of increasing the density in the shoreline area on the groundwater resources and natural environment.”

FIREWORKS BY-LAW PASSES: The much discussed Fireworks By-law passed on a divided vote. It limits the setting off of fireworks to New Year’s Day, Victoria Day weekend and Canada Day weekend, from dusk to 11 p.m. At other times, a permit must be obtained from the Fire Chief at the Township Offices. The by-law forbids all fireworks during fire bans. All firecrackers (fireworks which explode with little or no visual effect) are forbidden. Fireworks may not be set off on Township property unless approval is first obtained at the Township Offices. In favour, Councillor Claire, Deputy Mayor Lawrence and Councillor Warren. Against Mayor Breckenridge and Councillor Cornell.