Council Reports: April 30, 2007

Committee of the Whole Meeting: 9:00 am – 3:37 p.m. 
Regular Evening Meeting: 7 p.m. – 7:27 p.m.
All Members of Council present.

CONFIDENTIAL / CLOSED SESSION: 2:50 p.m. – 3:37 p.m.

MEMBERS NEEDED FOR NEW TOWNSHIP COMMUNITY RECREATION COMMITTEE: The Township is advertising seven citizen positions on a new Township Committee. Where the old Parks and Rec Committee was comprised of representatives from each of the Parks and Rec Associations and dealt with their activities, the new Committee’s focus is different. Its mandate is to advise Council on a wide variety of recreation and leisure activities – shore and inland parks, the Tiny Trail, recreation buildings and facilities (ball diamonds, buildings, rinks, tennis courts). Residents with broad interest in recreation are urged to apply to serve on this committee.

LARGE REFUND FROM OPP: Every year Tiny Township receives a refund from the OPP, primarily because the OPP does worst case scenario budgets and requires payment in advance, returning the overpayment when actual policing costs are calculated at the end of the year. But in 2006, there were staffing problems that meant that Tiny did not get as much policing as had been contracted for. This year the refund was $423,389 – some $273,389 above the anticipated $150,000. Council decided to put it into the Working Funds Reserve.

BUDGET PASSED: Tiny’s assessment base has increased this year by 2.45% to $2.341 billion, of which 96.4% is residential.

Our property taxes are divided almost exactly in thirds, 33% to the County, 33.6% to the School Board, and 33.4% to the Township. This year, the County rate increased by 4.75%, the School Board held the line at 0, and the Municipality’s increase was 2%. The overall increase in the residential tax rate is 2.24%.

The major items in the Township’s budget are (in descending order):
Policing – $1,766,013,
Capital Expenditures on Roads – $1,739,219,
Operating Expenditures on Roads – $1,541,147,
Treasury – $743,247,
Fire – $629,385,
Administration – $475,741, and
Parks Maintenance – $458,412.

Water fees remain unchanged at $200 capital and $556 operating. The continued imposition of the $200 capital charge will fund capital improvements of $581,117 and an increase in the Water Reserve Fund of $700,892.

WELL AWARE PROGRAM: Mayor Breckenridge reminded everyone of the Severn Sound Environmental Association’s “Well Aware Program”. You can find “Well Aware: A Guide for Well Owners” on the Severn Sound website — For a modest fee, a Severn Sound professional will inspect your well and make recommendations. The telephone number is 705-527-5166.