Wyevale United Church Thanksgiving Dinner

United Church
Thanksgiving Dinner

By Dorene Trunk

On the Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend, every year for the past 48 years, the community of Wyevale comes together to put on a Church Turkey Dinner that draws people from near and far.

Days before, area kitchens are filled with tantalizing aromas as 200 pies are prepared for the big event. With 300 lbs of potatoes, 200 lbs of turnips, 580 lbs of turkey, 40 lbs of coleslaw and 50 dozen rolls to be prepared, Penny Francis is a pro at scheduling the many duties and shifts.

Mary Campbell, one of the many faithful workers, has now involved three generations of her family, with grown children coming back to be part of the team. The most senior volunteer, Lorna Webb, was around when the turkey was just a ‘chicken’. Local students jump in to add to their community hours and often come back to assist, just for the fun of it all.

My family and friends (as many as 28 of us) enjoy this event every year. The young men often charm extra servings from the ladies with cries of, “More pie, please!”

Hope to see you there.

Location: Wyevale United Church.
Tickets: Adults – $14.00.
Children under 12 yrs – $7.00.
Children under 6 yrs – Free .

Call to reserve tickets at: (705) 322-2845.

If you are too late, watch for the roast beef dinner in July.