Council Reports: May 29, 2006

Confidential/Closed Session; New Fee By-Law; Recreational Master Plan; Business License By Law to go to a Public Meeting; Insurance Coverage for Site 41 Community Monitoring Committee; Building Activity; Repercussions of Private Fence Built in Balm Beach; Bluewater Advisory Committee Struck; New Treasurer for the TownshipREPORT ON COUNCIL
May 29, 2006
Committee of the Whole Meeting: 9:03 a.m. – 5:28 p.m. 
Regular Evening Meeting: 7:08 p.m. – 8:17 p.m.
4 Members of Council present, Deputy Mayor Pierre Paul Maurice absent.

CONFIDENTIAL / CLOSED SESSION: From 3:04 p.m. to 3:37 p.m. and 4:40 p.m. to 5:28 p.m.

NEW FEE BY-LAW: By-law 05 027, enacted on April 11, 2005, was amended and updated as By-law 06 066/Township Fee Schedules. (By provincial regulation, the fee schedule is based on cost recovery only.)

RECREATION MASTER PLAN: On February 13, Greig Stewart, of the Ministries of Citizenship, Culture, and Sport and Recreation, advised Council to hire a consultant to prepare a Recreation Master Plan for the Township and to make suggestions about how to restructure the financing and delivery of recreation programs. At this meeting, Council approved the selection of dmA Planning and Management Service to prepare a Recreation Master Plan. The first phase, which is to be delivered before the end of this Council term, involves gathering background information, identifying key issues, and recommending future directions. The second phase, to be completed by the end of March 2007, is to involve public review, refinement of the directions identified earlier, and preparation of a 10-year implementation strategy.
Preparation of the Master Plan has an upset limit of $24,825.00 including all staff costs, expenses and disbursements ($16,875 from the Development Charges Reserve, and the balance from the Parks Reserve).

BUSINESS LICENSING BY-LAW TO GO TO A PUBLIC MEETING: In March, the Chief Municipal Law Enforcement Officer presented a report to Council regarding the need to update the Township’s Business Licensing By-law and bring it into conformity with the current Municipal Act as well as other legislation. All businesses in the Township are to be informed that there is to be a public meeting on the updated By-law. Note that Schedule “A” of the proposed By-law concerns Campgrounds (definitions, license requirements, length of occupancy etc.)

INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR SITE 41 COMMUNITY MONITORING COMMITTEE: At the May 8, 2006 Council meeting, Councilor Millar asked whether the Township of Tiny public members on the CMC were covered under the Township’s insurance policy. Staff checked with the Township’s Insurer who recommended that a by-law be passed to make sure that the public representatives and their alternates are covered. Council passed such a by-law in the evening.

BUILDING ACTIVITY:A report from Jamie Wilson, Chief Building Officer, comparing building activity for January to April 2005 with that of January to April 2006 showed a slight decline in the construction dollar value from $9,643,000 to $8,346,000.

REPERCUSSIONS OF PRIVATE FENCE BUILT IN BALM BEACH: Council instructed staff to write a letter supporting MPP Garfield Dunlop’s request that the Attorney General resume Beach Mediation. Staff was also instructed to answer several letters about the fence, with letters stating that the Township’s power is limited to Township-owned Beaches.

BLUEWATER ADVISORY COMMITTEE STRUCK: This Committee has now been struck. It includes Andre Claire, Eugene Chambers, Anthony Rovito, and Vicky White, as citizen representatives, and Councillor Peggy Breckenridge as the Council representative.

NEW TREASURER FOR THE TOWNSHIP: The Township’s new treasurer is Mr. Douglas Taylor/Manager of Administrative Services. He is a Certified Management Accountant with broad experience in accounting, finance and business management and has lived in the Midland/Penetanguishene area for about 25 years. He is married, and has two sons aged 6 and 8. His first day on the job was June 20, 2006.