Council Reports: February 27 & March 9, 2006 (revised)

Confidential/Closed Session; Our Representatives on the Airport Commission; Monday/Wednesday Garbage Pickup Coming; May Meeting for Citizens to Question MPAC About Assessments; Shoreline Municipal Land Identification Almost Complete! – At LastREPORT ON COUNCIL
February 27, 2006
Committee of the Whole Meeting: 9:04 a.m. – 1:16 p.m.
Regular Evening Meeting: 7:04 p.m. – 7:32 p.m.
Deputy Mayor Pierre Paul Maurice and Councillors Peggy Breckenridge, Ray Millar and Rob Panasiuk present. Mayor Robert Klug absent.

CONFIDENTIAL / CLOSED SESSION: 11:31 a.m. – 1:16 p.m.

OUR REPRESENTATIVES ON THE AIRPORT COMMISSION: Councillor Panasiuk raised questions about the appropriateness of Tiny’s representatives on the seven-person Airport Commission, namely Mayor Klug and a citizen appointed by Council (Midland has three representatives and Penetanguishene two). He asked whether a lay person should serve on a Commission that makes money decisions, as that individual was not elected and not accountable, and whether Mayor Klug was aware of the Commission’s responsibilities: Council has been trying for two years to get an understanding of the Airport’s management and finances, yet the Mayor appears not to have known that he had the right inspect and make copies of the Airport’s books. At the insistence of Deputy Mayor Maurice and Councillor Breckenridge, the decision about the Township’s representation was held over to the next meeting when Mayor Klug would be present.
Councillor Panasiuk also asked that the assessment of the Airport be examined. It is assessed at $700,000 and pays only about $7,000 in taxes.

MONDAY / WEDNESDAY GARBAGE PICKUP COMING: Garbage and recycling days in Tiny Township are to be moved to Monday and Wednesday from the current collection on four days (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday). The County of Simcoe will be advertising the changes well in advance of the implementation date. (entry revised)

MAY MEETING FOR CITIZENS TO QUESTION MPAC ABOUT ASSESSMENTS: Last November, Midland’s Council arranged for representatives from MPAC to meet with Midland property owners who were concerned about increases in their assessment. Councillor Breckenridge suggested that a similar meeting should be held for Tiny’s property owners in March, prior to the March 31 deadline for filing for an Assessment Review Board hearing. The final decision was that the meeting should be delayed until May when more seasonal residents might be able to attend as it is possible to file for a Request for Consideration hearing up until December 31.

SHORELINE MUNICIPAL LAND IDENTIFICATION ALMOST COMPLETE! – AT LAST: Staff advised that the identification of Township-owned shoreline properties was near completion and the inventory available for viewing by Council. Attention is now being focused on inland properties owned by the Township.



WANT TO APPEAL YOUR ASSESSMENT? Don’t forget that the deadline for filing for an Assessment Review Board hearing is March 31 and for a Request for Reconsideration is December 31.

RECYCLING CALENDAR: If you did not receive a calendar giving information about pickup days, the County of Simcoe will mail one to you. Call 1-800-263-3199 and ask for “Solid Waste and Recycling.” Or you can get one at the Township Office at 130 Balm Beach Road West.


March 9, 2006
10 a.m. – 11 a.m.

Mr. Rossi of the OMB chaired the Conference. The main “parties” were Ian Rowe, of Burgar Rowe, Barristers and Solicitors, on behalf of the Township; Karl Jaffary, QC, on behalf of the Federation of Tiny Township Shoreline Associations; and Mr. White, on behalf of Donald Stubbs, developer of the proposed Trailer Park in Concession Two. Gail Speirs-White (County Planner) and Jim Hunter (County Engineer) also asked for party status, as did George Lawrence of Tiny’s Residents Working Together and representatives of four beach associations and one lawyer from Woodland Beach on his own behalf.
According to Mr. Rowe, details of Minutes of Agreement between the Township and the developer were being worked on and would be completed by the end of March. Mr. Jaffary asked that there be time for his clients to assess the Agreement and that there be a second Prehearing Conference. It was set for 10:30 a.m. on June 13.