Council Reports: November 14, 2005

November 14, 2005
Committee of the Whole Meeting: 9:00 a.m. – 6:40 p.m. and 8:10 p.m. – 9:19 p.m.
Regular Evening Meeting: 7:08 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
All Members of Council present.

CONFIDENTIAL / CLOSED SESSION: 3:24 p.m. – 5:23 p.m. Harry Dahme of Gowling Lafleur Henderson was present to discuss the Site 41 Interim Control By-law. Our guess is that Council was receiving advice about how to block Site 41.

MILLION REALTY/BALM BEACH: Zoning on the property called Sunport (owned by Million Realty) in Balm Beach allowed for a six-unit motel plus an accessory residential use, and a 1991 amendment permitted the rental of non-motorized watercraft such as canoes, paddleboats and sailboats. Subsequently, the owner expanded the number of motel units to eight, installed a subsidiary rental dwelling unit connected with the residential use, and rented out motorized personal watercraft.
In 2004, Million Realty established a legal non-conforming use for the rental of 6 personal watercraft. Now Million Realty seeks to legalize its extra units and to add two more. It also wants to remove an existing shed and construct an attached garage, reception entrance area, covered porch, and a boat utility shed.
This request is to go to a public meeting.

OUTSTANDING PROBLEMS FROM THE 2003 SEPTIC RE-INSPECTION PROGRAM: Some 61 properties inspected by C.C. Tatham & Associates in 2003 have not dealt with outstanding problems — chiefly lack of pump out reports, failing sewage systems, and septic tank decay. The estimated cost of remedying the deficiencies is between $150,000 and $250,000. Council directed that the 12 pump outs be done and “Orders Not to Occupy” be proceeded with for the other 49 properties, the necessary work be done, and costs be recovered from the owners.

NORTH SIMCOE MUNICIPAL GROUNDWATER STUDY: This was prepared by Golder and Associates to contribute to a database of groundwater information across Ontario, to define wellhead protection areas for municipal water supplies, to identify contaminant risks, and to develop municipal and watershed planning tools to protect drinking water supplies.
The report indicates that the degree of groundwater use in Tiny Township is acceptable and will continue to be so through to 2020 given current population projections. It observes that the majority of Tiny’s 18 municipal water systems are moderately or well protected from sources of surface contamination. There are a number of recommendations with regard to protecting local groundwater resources, and these are to be dealt in the course of next year’s review of the Township’s Official Plan.

SEPTIC PUMP OUTS – WHERE IS THE SEPTAGE TO GO? Included in correspondence was a letter from the Federation of Tiny Township Shoreline Associations together with Tiny’s Residents Working Together about the coming crisis with regard to septage disposal. As of December 31, according to the province’s Nutrient Management Act, septage can no longer be spread on farmers’ fields. This leaves only Midland’s sewage treatment plant for disposal, but whether it can treat all of Tiny’s waste is not clear. The letter asked Council to find an adequate, reasonably priced solution to the problem of septage disposal, possibly in concert with neighbouring municipalities and the County of Simcoe.
Council asked staff to prepare a report on the matter.

WOODLAND BEACH: Council received a report from Henk Blom, Manager of Public Works, regarding Draft Reference Plan, Block B and Pt. Block A, Registered Plan 656 Concession 1 and instructed that the Draft Plan be deposited at the Registry Office by the surveyor.
We are puzzled by this move, given that the Woodland Beach Association had asked that no moves be made concerning beach ownership, and that the Township work out a beach management plan with the Association. But there has been no discussion.

SIGNAGE OF TOWNSHIP OWNED BEACHES: Signs showing the extent of shore parks and beach road allowances are at last largely in place from Concession 1 to Concession 16.
However, according to a report from Henk Blom, one location (Woodland Beach, Plan 650) requires Council direction on placement of 4 signs, and two locations (one in Concession Five and another in Concession Eight, Plan 776) are currently in litigation. At another place in the report there is a note with regard to “Concession Two, The Beach Road – Reg. Plan 670 & 725,” which reads “Council to Clarify.”
The report also noted that the temporary 4 x 4 wooden posts are gradually being replaced with steel posts, and that “Sign defacement/damage/removal is being experienced” at Concessions 11, 12 and 13.

PRESENTATION BY SOUTHERN GEORGIAN BAY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND NORTH SIMCOE COMMUNITY FUTURES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION: This presentation concerned the preparation of a strategic plan to further North Simcoe’s Economic Development. It appeared to our observers to be focussed on the needs and desires of Penetanguishene and Midland. The economic goal envisioned was the creation of 190 net new jobs per year over the next 25 years – an objective that might benefit some permanent residents of Tiny. We note that the presentation made no reference to trying to acquire high speed internet access for Tiny’s home-based businesses.

BEACH MAINTENANCE AND PARKING ENFORCEMENT COSTS: According to John Theriault, Treasurer, in 2005 the revenue from parking permits and parking fines amounted to $89,821.72, while expenditures for parking enforcement and beach maintenance came to $115,254.07, resulting in a deficit of $25,432.35. As this report was undertaken in response to a concern expressed in a deputation by Save the Beaches Inc that parking permit fees were not being applied to beach improvement and maintenance, staff was directed to send a copy of the report to Donald D’Aoust who had presented the STB deputation.