Council Reports: October 25, 2004

October 25, 2004
Committee of the Whole: 9:05 a.m. — 5:31 p.m.
Evening Meeting: 7:00 p.m. — 7:31 p.m.
All Members of Council present

CONFIDENTIAL / CLOSED SESSION: 3:52 p.m. — 5:02 p.m.

GARBAGE COLLECTION: 2005 / 2-Bag Limit / Bag Tags: Representatives from the County of Simcoe attended to discuss with Council implementation of the County’s standard two bag limit for garbage collection, as of January 1, 2005. Despite concerns expressed by members of Council that a weekly two-bag limit would impact unfairly upon residents who use the service on a seasonal basis, the County representatives were opposed to any issuance of tags to supplement the two-bag limit. The issue was put forward for further discussion at the November 8, 2004 Council meeting.

Representatives from Meridian Planning Consultants Inc. advised that the proposal by Dr. Stubbs for a trailer park / paintball / recreational development at Woodland Beach is in general conformity with governing regulations, including the Township Official Plan. Members of Council expressed concerns as to the extent to which the development would draw upon Township resources, including use of nearby beaches by potentially large numbers of campers, versus the small amount of property tax revenue which the Township would derive from the development. It was noted that many expressions of opposition to the proposed development had been received from area residents. Council received the Report from Meridian, but did not act on it. No decision was taken about the Official Plan and Zoning changes that will have to be passed if the development is to go ahead.

2005 BUDGET PROCESS: Council discussed the 2005 budget process with John Theriault, Manager of Administrative Services / Treasurer: with a view to controlling expenditures / tax increases, while providing satisfactory service levels. Favourable reference was made to a recent historical analysis of Township budgetary data prepared by Dr. John Grant for the Federation of Tiny Township Shoreline Associations, as reported in the Fall 2004 issue of “The Tiny Cottager” newspaper. (The data is available on the Federation’s website – HYPERLINK “” — under “Database.”) Staff was directed to invite Dr. Grant to attend a future budget meeting to share his insights on historical budget analysis.

SOBEN PROPERTIES INC. EXTENSION REQUEST: Council considered an application from Soben Properties Inc. for a one year extension of the draft approval for a development on Concession 16 East. It was noted that 22 requests for extension have already been granted since 1982. A six month extension was granted. Staff was instructed to invite the developer to attend a future Committee of the Whole meeting of Council to discuss modifications to the proposed development.

ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT / PAZNAR / PT. LOT 18, CONCESSION 6: The property in question is on Skylark Road, near Concession 6. Approval was given to a previous owner to build in a specified area of a 6 acre parcel. The area approved is unfit for building. The owner seeks permission to build in another area on the property. The request was to be considered at a future public planning meeting.

SALE OF TOWNSHIP LANDS: CONCESSION 3: A by-law was passed authorizing the sale by the Township of Block A, Registered Plan 1335, Concession 3 (Doan Avenue). The land in question has been rezoned and divided into three lots, to be sold for $30,000 each. It had been held as a potential park, but was deemed surplus, as the Township owns adjacent land for a park. The property is not directly on the shore.

RENOUF WATER SYSTEM: An amending by-law was considered which would increase the number of properties charged fees in respect of the Renouf water system.

SITE 41: Councillor Millar advised that Steve Ogden and Anne Nahuis had received Citizen of the Year awards in Springwater Township in recognition of their efforts in opposition to the proposed Site 41 landfill facility. He also advised that Site 41 is referred to in the 2003/2004 Annual Report issued by the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario, which may be accessed at http:/