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Tiny Cottager Articles

Tiny Gets Not So Tiny Shaft!

Tiny Gets Not So Tiny Shaft! It’s a Shocker! Call 1-800-461-4230 or (705) 728-2270 or fax- (705) 728-3077 to learn what your MVA taxes would be. The dramatic tax increases under Full Market Value across the County makes this option virtually dead. For Tiny, under Factored MVA, an analysis of [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

TEAC Report

TEAC Report By Jack Ellis Perhaps not many people are aware that Tiny Township has an Environmental Advisory Committee. The Committee usually called TEAC was set up by Council to advise it on matters affecting the environment generally, and to serve as an information gathering body for citizens and the [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

Swimmer’s Itch

Swimmer’s Itch By Ron Stockburn Due to the large number of Sea Gulls along Tiny’s Beaches, this skin irritation has become quite common, especially during the heat of August. It is a temporary condition that results when swimmers become part of the life cycle of a parasite that flourishes in [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

Sludge “comment” misleads

Sludge “comment” misleads The August, 1995 Tiny Ties says that Council “reported” that Council “has publically stated that it feels ‘comfortable’ with the continuing practice of spreading treated sludge and raw sewage fresh from our septic tanks, on agricultural fields here in the Township.” Council never made any statement to [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

SCRAM REPORTS … the battle continues

SCRAM REPORTS … the battle continues By David Blair, Chairman, Simcoe County Residents Against market Value Reassessment (Director of the Federation) Since its inception in April, 1995, a grass roots organization, Simcoe County Residents Against Market Value Reassessment (SCRAM) has carried out a well planned and incessant campaign to arouse [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

Simcoe home owners socked with $33 Million tax grab

PRESIDENT AL TAYLOR’S REPORT Simcoe home owners socked with $33 Million tax grab This headline is no myth should county-wide Full MVA go into effect in Simcoe County. Tiny Township would be hit with $3 1/2 million of the $33 million tax grab. Under county-wide Factorized MVA, Tiny Township would [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

Nature in Tiny Technicolour!

Nature in Tiny Technicolour! By Paul Masterson Once again the forests of Tiny are ablaze with brilliant colors as nature’s paint brush dabs, splashes and strokes hues and tones of yellow, brown, green, red and gold across the autumn landscape. Strolling with his granddaughter on an afternoon in early October [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

Impact Study hits Tiny Residents hard!

Impact Study hits Tiny Residents hard! By John Grant – Addison Beach Predicted results became fact as the Impact Study for Simcoe County’s Market Value Reassessment (1992 base) was released August 15th, 1995. Residential property owners learned that their taxes would skyrocket under the proposed system, if adopted, while farms, [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

Disgusting Behavior by TRWT Wins No Friends

Disgusting Behavior by TRWT Wins No Friends Why do some think that rude and crude behaviour in place of civility is the way to dissuade or persuade others to a specific point of view. The fact is such actions simply insult the intelligence of all decent and reasonable people. A [more]