After experiencing the destruction of the gypsy moth, many Tiny Township residents are asking, “What do we do this year?”

Our association has deferred gypsy moth control for 1993. Our reasons for doing so were (a) egg mass counts were minimal and (b) we had virtually no destruction after 2 years of spraying with “BT”.

The cool weather, natural predators, food supply and a virus greatly affected the gypsy moth population. But, make no mistake, the gypsy moth is in Tiny Township for the foreseeable future.

It is possible that a major infestation of the gypsy moth could happen in 1995-96. Also, the forest tent caterpillar could also reach a peak cycle at the same time. Some associations are continuing to spray to ensure that their trees are strong and healthy prior to any increased infestation levels.

Associations can save by coordinating spray programmes, and by banding together the programme is more effective.

For assistance in organizing, or suggestions on the gypsy moth call Al Taylor, Kingswood Acres, 705-533-4261, or voice/fax 416-274-1339.