“The Federation”


During the summer of 1989, cottagers from many parts of the township began to share a growing realization that happenings in different parts of the township were somehow linked. Members from different associations began to talk to one another about shared concerns; awareness began to grow about those issues and concerns.

Each individual Beach community, front and back owners together, share a common interest in their own particular beach and the activities of the community that surrounds that beach. For many, a community association already existed.

That fall, members of those different associations decided now was the time to begin to unite so together we could work to build a stronger, united community of shared values. The idea of a Federation of associations was born.

Since that time, the Federation of Tiny Township Shoreline Associations has been working to build that network of communication, welcoming associations to participate and encouraging others to form. The Federation spoke for the first time representing its member associations when presentations were made to oppose the restructuring of Tiny Township.

The Federation brought together many for a meeting last September to discuss some of our common concerns. The Federation took its first active role in the recent municipal elections encouraging the largest voter turnout ever from the shoreline communities. The Federation is working to unite the associations to continue the gypsy moth spraying programs.

The basic aim of the Federation has been to provide an umbrella group that could promote communication among the many beach associations in Tiny, and thus tap into a wider array of talent and resources in advancing the interests of seasonal and permanent owners of properties in all Tiny beach communities. It aims at protecting and enhancing appreciation for the natural environment of Tiny Township, researching issues of interest to members, and making representations to governments on such issues.

Over the winter, The Federation monitored developments on restructuring Tiny Township; the approach of the Tiny Council newly elected in November; and the Attorney General’s lawsuit. The Federation has taken as its role model other umbrella associations. Individual Beach Associations are members of the Federation; Associations are represented by their designated members.

We will continue to address issues of concern to the whole shoreline community.

The Federation will work with the executives of the Associations and through them will communicate, to their members, news of interest in Tiny Township.

The goal is to have a network so complete that the voices of all 20,000 residents who share the common interest of living, either as permanent or seasonal residents in communities along Tiny’s 45 miles of shoreline, will be represented around the table.

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