Casting Your Vote Is Essential

Casting Your Vote Is Essential

Many of us come to Tiny Township to rest from the demands of our lives elsewhere. We think of it as our escape, a place for renewal and rest, and for activities radically different from those we pursue ordinarily.

Yet all of us have a substantial investment in our properties in Tiny as is evident in the taxes we pay – often more than in our home municipalities. Because we’re at our permanent residences during municipal elections and because we spend the bulk of our time there, we may see elections there as more important for us. But the Tiny election is also worthy of serious attention. It is now easy to cast your ballot because of mail in ballots. The situation in Tiny is never tranquil and we are looking at a 4-year term for the incoming council. We should all vote.

We urge you to read the election pages of this newspaper – and VOTE!