TEAC Report

TEAC Report

By Jack Ellis

Perhaps not many people are aware that Tiny Township has an Environmental Advisory Committee. The Committee usually called TEAC was set up by Council to advise it on matters affecting the environment generally, and to serve as an information gathering body for citizens and the township.

It meets monthly with Kim Brewster in the chair, and Carmen Gignac of the Township staff as secretary. Other members, appointed by Council, are: Jack Dies, Jack Ellis, Susan Gilbert, John Grant, Paul Masterson and Councillor Evelyn Klym. Maybe you recognise some of these persons as your neighbours. In any case, members are eager to hear from you about any environmental concerns you may have, or any unusual or unique environmental features you may come across. The best way to get in touch is to call Carmen Gignac at the Township office and leave a message.

So far this year, TEAC has been concerned with getting together a good base of environmental information about Tiny Township. We have a truly unique environment in Tiny, and we should all be concerned with preserving and enhancing it. TEAC has been searching for sources of funds to improve environmental information, and is trying to get good information together on matters such as:

* which of Tiny’s forested areas are most in need of preservation? * how adequate are Tiny’s reserves of groundwater, where are they, and how can they best be preserved in a healthy state? * what unusual or unique species of plants, animals and birds inhabit Tiny, where are they and how can they best be protected? * what can cottagers and other householders do to conserve water, energy, and become more “environmentally friendly” in general? * what can Tiny do to ensure that garbage and other wastes are disposed of in a more sensible manner? * what environmental problems of past years are still with us, and how can they be addressed?