Background: The Pauze Dump was the site of a massive disposal of industrial and other types of chemical waste from 1966 – 1980. In 1981, the dumpsite and nearby illegal dumping in and around the area just east of Perkinsfield and Simcoe County Road 9 was discovered to have contaminated local wells to the south. Test wells were installed by the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MOEE) to sample groundwater at 30 locations consistent with the southwesternly migration of a plume of contaminants slowly progressing toward Georgian Bay.

Current Situation: In 1992, tests conducted by MOEE indicate that a plume carrying Trichlorethylene, (TCE), a degreasing compound, is travelling about 200 metres in advance of the main plume of contaminants. This plume has passed the furthermost test well, located approximately 1375 metres from the dump and some 800 metres south and 600 metres west of the intersection of County Road 6 and Concession 9, approximately 3/4 km. from the bluffs. It is estimated to have travelled about 200 metres beyond this point, with movement progressing at 50 – 70 metres a year.

Two facts should concern cottagers and local residents. First, no new wells have been installed to monitor the spread of the plume beyond the very narrowly defined area covered by the test wells, so the parameters of the plume are unknown. Second, the plume is travelling faster than was first estimated.

Why has the Ministry taken no further action? Readers can direct their requests for the drilling of further test wells to Bud Wildman, Minister of Environment and Energy, 135 St. Clair Ave. W., Toronto M4W lP5, or fax, (416) 323-4682.