Report on Council for January 14 and 30, 2019

January 14 and 30, 2019:
Committee of the Whole Meetings: January 14, 2019: 9:00 a.m. – 3:56 p.m. and January 30, 2019: 9:07 a.m. – 12:18 p.m.
Regular Meetings of Council: January 14, 2018: 4:30 p.m.- 4:42 p.m. and January 30, 2018: 1:31 p.m. – 1:47 p.m.
Mayor George Cornell, Deputy Mayor Steffen Walma and Councillors Tony Mintoff and Gibb Wishart present both days; Councillor Cindy Hastings absent January 14, present January 30. 


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On behalf of The Bluewater Dunes Ratepayers’ Association, André Claire asked for a community bulletin board, noting that the association would support the purchase of the necessary material financially.

He also observed that Bluewater Dunes supports opting out of cannabis retail stores and adopting a no-smoking policy on public land.

Representatives of the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit addressed issues to do with cannabis, noting that a public health guidance document has been developed.

The Township’s Clerk, Sue Walton, presented a report about the way the province is handling implementation of cannabis legalization. According to its phased-in approach, municipalities with a population of less than 50,000 are not eligible for a cannabis retail store at this time.

Council decided to “opt out” of cannabis retail store opportunities at this time.


Council accepted the recommendation of Clerk Sue Walton in Report CR-003-19 that

-the Property Standards Committee and Fence Viewers Committee be combined

-a Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee encompassing the Wyevale Park Master Plan Steering Committee and the Lafontaine Beach/Park Master Plan Committee be formed

-the Tiny Trails and Active Transportation Sub-committee become a separate advisory committee of Council
-a Youth Advisory Committee be formed
-and a community liaison to the advisory committees be appointed as deemed appropriate.

Council also agreed to appoint members of Council to Advisory Committees, Boards, and other Committees.  For the list, see the Regular Meeting of Council Minutes for January 14, 2019.


This was adopted. For the full text see Clerk’s Report CR-004-19, under Administration and Finance, item 05, Committee of the Whole Agenda, January 14, 2019


After considering a report by Shawn Persaud, Director of Planning & Development, Council directed staff “to request an extension on the deadline and, in the meantime, prepare comments on the ERB posting in opposition of the proposed Bill as there is cause for concern when considering the potential impacts to permitting major employment development that does not conform to long standing provincial environmental legislation including the Clean Water Act (2006), Places to Grow Act (2005), Great Lakes Protection Act (2015), Lake Simcoe Protection Act (2008), Greenbelt Act (2005), and Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Act (2001), which were designed to protect provincially significant natural heritage assets and groundwater resources.”


Council decided to accept the Heritage Advisory Committee’s recommendation that the Township participate in Doors Open Ontario this year.


With regard to Dr. William Shotyk’s December 5, 2018 letter to the Warden and Simcoe County Council asking for a moratorium on expansion of aggregate extraction in the Waverley Uplands until ground water flows in the area were better understood, Councillor Wishart asked that the Mayor and Deputy Mayor as members of County Council support Shotyk’s request. Noting that the key “ask” in the letter was for Shotyk be allowed to make his case to County Council in May, Deputy Mayor Walma agreed to make the request and the Mayor agreed to support it. For Shotyk’s letter, see Communication Received, Section II, 02 of the Committee of the Whole Agenda for January 14, 2019.


In response to Councillor Mintoff’s motion that each Tiny household be given one free parking permit, Council asked staff to provide a report regarding the anticipated loss of revenue and identifying the increase in paid parking and/or non-resident parking permits required to make up the loss.


December 12, 2018:

Private Water Well Stewardship Project Proposal:

Julie Cayley of the Severn Sound Environmental Association proposed a Private Water Well stewardship Project. Arguing that it was important that owners of private water wells (which are not covered by the Clean Water Act nor by the Safe Drinking Water Act) be educated about caring for their wells.

Items to receive further consideration:

  • Human Resources Management —Shared vs. full-time position.
  • Wellness Flex Program.
  • Fire Department —Incremental Vehicle Reserve Allocation of $50,000.
  • Building Inspector Role —full-time vs. contract position.
  • Funding to Organization —Physician Recruitment Program – $10,000.
  • By-law Student Wages Proposal —Stepped Seasonal Wages.
  • Building Permit Fees —2019 Estimate to increase to $600,000 from $450, 000.
  • Guesthouse Loan Forgiveness —presentation to be scheduled.
  • SSEA Private Well Stewardship Program.

January 21, 2019:

Council and Staff Compensation Review:

Presented by Jane Mazinski of Gallagher Consulting, this review was undertaken to ensure that remuneration for Council is fair and to ensure the township organization is externally competitive and effectively positioned to attract and retain skilled employees. The review is to be considered at the February 4 Budget Meeting.

Decisions re Discussion items from December 12, 2018:

(Items to receive further discussion are not included here.)

  • The Wellness Flex Program is to receive $10,000 for full-time employees for a year and is then to be assessed in a report.
  • The Fire Department’s Incremental Vehicle Reserve Allocation is to remain at $200,000.
  • The existing contract Building Inspector position is to become full-time.
  • The building consultant fees are to be lowered from $30,000 to $15,000.
  • 2019 Municipal Law Enforcement Officer Summer Staff Wages are to be increased a little over last year’s pay scale, and to be further increased by 6.5% for each year of experience. Such a move provides a wage advantage over the township’s neighbouring competitors and it encourages the best qualified and experienced candidates to return. The potential extra cost of this “Step Wage System” would be $26,286.
  • Building Permit Fees are to increase to $600,000 from $450,000.


Items to Receive Further Discussion:

  • Huronia Airport Commission fueling system
  • Security of customer service area (front counter), and
  • Speed limit buoys.