FoTTSA Report on Tiny Council Meetings November 2, 3, 10 and 24, 2021

November 2, 3, 10 and 24, 2021

Special Meeting of Council: November 2, 2021: 5:00 p.m. – 7:19 p.m.

Committee of the Whole Meetings: November 3, 2021: 9:00 a.m. – 12:27 p.m. and November 24, 2021: 9:00 a.m. – 3:12 p.m.

Regular Meetings of Council: November 3, 2021: 6:00 p.m. – 8:40 p.m.          and November 24, 2021: 6:00 p.m. – 7:13 p.m.

Budget Meeting: November 10, 2021: 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Attendance: Special Meeting on November 2nd, all 4 members of Council present: Mayor Cornell, Deputy Mayor Walma and Councillors Hastings and Wishart. On November 3rd, 3 members were present at the Committee of the Whole meeting: Cornell, Hastings, and Wishart; Walma was absent; 5 members were present at the Regular Meeting on November 3rd. Three members of Council were present at both Meetings on November 24th: Councillors John Bryant, Cindy Hastings and Gibb Wishart. Absent from both Meetings were Mayor George Cornell and Deputy Mayor Steffen Walma.

Budget Meeting on November 10th, all five Members of Council were present until 12:38 pm when Walma left.


  • Visit the Township’s COVID-19 webpage at for municipal service impacts and updates
  • Tiny Connect – Sign up now at

SPECIAL MEETING TO FILL THE COUNCILLOR POSITION VACATED BY TONY MINTOFF: Five individuals applied for the position – John Bryant, Ema Canadic, Dave Evans, Janet MacDougall, and Stephen McNamara.

At the Special Meeting on November 2, the clerk explained the Council Vacancy Policy, then placed the names of the candidates in a container and drew names for the order of the interviews.  After the interviews, each member of Council cast a vote, Bryant and Evans receiving two votes each. According to the Policy, in the event of a tie the winner was to be selected by lot – in this case John Bryant. He had served on two of Council’s advisory committees.

FoTTSA notes: An expert in garden design, Bryant had extensive experience making presentations to Councils for one project or another. He understood the way staff and Council function and was interested to see what it was like serving on the body that made decisions about reports and applications like the ones he had prepared for many years.

CULTURE ALLIANCE SUPPORTED: On November 3 after hearing an activity update and funding request by Cher Cunningham of the Culture Alliance, Council decided to allocate $10,000 in the 2022 budget in support the Culture Alliance.

VACCINATION POLICY: Council adopted a Vaccination Policy for Council and Council-appointed volunteers on Township Boards and Committees as recommended by CAO Robert Lamb. The Policy applies to all elected members of Council and members of the public appointed to a Township Board and/or Committee once in person meetings resume. In the case of Council, full vaccination was required by December 1, 2021. There are some exceptions.  For a full discussion of this policy, see G.1.6 of the Committee of the Whole Meeting Agenda for November 3, 2021.

ATV/ORV BY-LAW UPDATE: The temporary road route in the southeast part of the Township for ATV/ORV vehicles that expires this fall has been made permanent. This involves a route along Concession Road 4 to Dawson’s Side Road, from there to Concession Road 2 East, then on to Baseline Road South to the Townline with Springwater.

FIREWORKS BY-LAW: Fireworks may now be set off in Tiny Township only on New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day, Victoria Day, and Canada Day. They may be sold on those days and for a period of 7 days immediately prior to those days. To set off “display fireworks” and “special effect pyrotechnics” one must obtain a permit from the Fire Chief. Fines for setting off fireworks at inappropriate times have been increased.


PUBLIC BEACH MONITORING SUMMARY REPORT: This appeared in correspondence in the Committee of the Whole Agenda for November 3, 2021. The Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit reported the sample results and swimming advisories for the five public beaches in Tiny for 24 June, 30 June, 8 July, 15 July, 22 July, 29 July, 5 August, 12 August, 19 August, and 2 September.

Lafontaine Beach had no advisories. Woodland Beach, Bluewater Beach, Jackson Park, and Balm Beach all had advisories on 12 August. Jackson Park had an additional advisory on 26 August, and Balm Beach had two additional advisories on 15 and 22 July.

BUDGET MEETING: On November 10, Council considered Version #1 of the 2022 Draft Budget operating budgets and the Cost-of-Living Adjustment.

MAYOR’S CHARITY GOLF TOURNAMENT: At Council’s November 24 Regular Meeting, it was announced that this year’s tournament raised $54,000 for distribution to 17 organizations.

 INTRODUCTION OF NEW EMPLOYEES:  The new employees are Raney Jansma, Community Engagement Coordinator and Claire Pike, Human Resources Specialist.

SIMCOE COUNTY LAND NEEDS ASSESSMENT: Jamie Robinson of MHBC Planning recommended and Council agreed to his proposal that Council submit several comments to the County. In summary these were:

  1. Since the LNA assigns to Tiny 1% of County population allocation and .9% of County employment allocation to 2051, while the current County Official Plan assigns Tiny 3% of new population and 1.3% of new employment to 2031, a significant shift, the Township should request a full planning rationale and justification for the proposed shift.
  2. Also, since building activity in the County between 2016 and 2021 shows that Tiny received 2% of the County’s residential growth, Tiny should request a 2% County population allocation.
  3. And, since the employment allocation is reduced in comparison with current allocations, Tiny should ask the County for a full planning rationale for the proposed reduction from 1.3% to .9%.
  4. and 5. Also, since the Township Official Plan contains employment lands which are anticipated to be built out by 2051, resulting in employment, and the Huronia Regional Airport might similarly result in employment, Tiny should ask the County to increase the Township’s employment allocation.

TRANSPORTATION MASTER PLAN: This was presented by representatives of Stantec. In response to a Public Works Report regarding the TMP, Council directed staff to proceed with developing short, medium, and long-term plans including operational and capital plans, communication strategies and staff plans and needs within budgetary and resource capacities.

FoTTSA notes: We will report on Council’s decisions regarding these plans as they come forward.

COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES APPOINTED TO ADVISORY COMMITTEES: Councillor Bryant was appointed to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee, the Heritage Advisory Committee, the Customer Care Committee, and the Building Needs Assessment Committee. Councillor Cindy Hastings was appointed to the Senior Advisory Committee.

VOTING METHOD FOR THE FALL 2022 MUNICIPAL ELECTION:   Council decided to have residents of Tiny Township vote by mail in next year’s municipal election.

2022 COUNCIL MEETING SCHEDULE:  Next year, Council will meet every three weeks on January 12, February 2, February 23, March 16, April 6, April 27, May 18, June 8, June 29, July 20, August 10, August 31, September 21, October 12, November 2, November 23, November 30, and December 14. January 12 is a Committee of the Whole Meeting only, and December 14 a Regular Meeting of Council only.

SINGLE-USE PLASTICS: The Public Works Department prepared, and Council approved, a Single-use Plastics Policy. This applies to all Township employees, consultants, contractors, volunteers, and students, and focuses on eliminating the purchase and use of single-use plastics at all municipally owned facilities and township events and is to act as a guideline for organizations and individuals who rent municipal facilities for private functions. The plastics in question are grocery bags, water bottles, straws, coffee cups and lids, take-out containers, utensils, stir sticks, milk and creamer packets.