FoTTSA Report on Tiny Council Meetings July 21, 2021

Committee of the Whole Meeting: July 21, 2021: 9:00 a.m. – – 2:01 p.m.

Regular Meeting of Council: July 21, 2021: 7:00 p.m.  – 9:32 p.m.

All members of Council present


  • Movies in the Park – consult the Township’s Recreation Department
  • Slurry applied to the roads in Pine Forest Beach Estates to smooth the surface – Thursday, July 22, 2021
  • Cawaja Beach Phragmites Dig – Thursday, August 19, 2021
  • 2022 Budget Survey – Deadline Tuesday, August 31, 2021
  • Mayor’s Charity Golf Tournament – September 10, 2021, Orr Lake Golf Club
  • Township COVID-19 webpage —
  • Tiny Connect –

DEPUTATION RE COUNCIL’S DECISION (3-2) TO WITHDRAW FROM THE LPAT HEARING ABOUT THE PROPOSED EXTENSION OF THE TEEDON PIT: Anne Ritchie Nahuis urged Council to ask the province to impose a moratorium on any new or expanded gravel extraction and water taking in the Waverley Upland area until the study proposed by scientists is completed. She urged Council to seek support of local MPPs, Premier Doug Ford and neighbouring municipalities in this regard.  She asked that the Township partner with the scientists’ research proposal.

FoTTSA notes: On August 11 when the matter was discussed, Councillors Mintoff and Wishart supported all three of Ms. Nahuis’s requests, while Mayor Cornell and Councillor Hastings decided that Council’s current stance on the issues was appropriate. Deputy Mayor Walma was absent. As the vote was 2-2, her proposal was defeated.

BEACH ACCESS MOTION PROPOSED: Deputy Mayor Walma proposed that “the municipality make public all of its municipal lands and that same be posted on the website for easy access for the public” and “that the Township consider a first right of refusal policy regarding shoreline properties as ownership changes. The concept would be to purchase an easement to provide for walkways to connect Township beaches.”

Regarding making municipally owned lands (specifically beaches) maps available on the website (to be updated regularly), staff was directed to review this proposal and report back on August 11.

Regarding the part of Deputy Mayor Steffen Walma’s motion concerning acquisition by attrition, specifically the feasibility of a first right of refusal policy in the purchase of shoreline properties, Council defeated the motion 4-1.

REPOPENING OF TOWNSHIP: Busk ’til Dusk is to resume at Balm Beach with in kind and financial support from the Township.  Pay & Display Parking resumed in the Township on August 6.

OPP DETACHMENT BOARD: A single Board is to serve the five municipalities of the OPP Georgian Bay Detachment catchment area, a change dictated by the province. The Board is to have 13 members, 3 provincial appointees plus 2 representatives from each of five municipalities, one a community representative and one a municipal representative.

FIREFIGHTER CLASSIFICATION AND REMUNERATION REVIEW: After considering a report by Fire Chief Dave Flewelling, Council decided to add a 2nd Class Firefighter category to the two current levels (Probationary and 1st Class Firefighter) and to increase the current pay rates for officers, effective January 1, 2022. The cost savings generated by the new firefighter category should offset increases to officer wages.

LDD (GYPSY MOTH) INFESTATION: Councillor Tony Mintoff’s comprehensive motion that would have required careful advance planning to prevent a third year of defoliation in Tiny Township was defeated 2-2. Another motion proposing that a special meeting of Council involving the Severn Sound Environmental Association, the MNRF and the County of Simcoe Forestry Department be called, a survey drafted about residents’ desire for a spraying program, and cost estimates for aerial spraying prepared was supported 4-0.