FoTTSA Report on Tiny Council Meetings June 9, 21 and 30, 2021

June 9, 21, 30 2021

Committee of the Whole Meeting: June 9, 2021: 9:00 a.m. – 2:33 p.m. and June 30, 2021: 9:00 a.m. – 4:40 p.m.

Regular Meeting of Council: June 9, 2021: 3:02 p.m. – 3:22 p.m. and June 30, 2021: 5:00 p.m. – 6:38 p.m.

Special Meeting of Council: June 12, 2021: 9:30 a.m. – 9:43 a.m.

All members of Council present on June 9 and 12. Mayor Cornell absent on June 30.


  • Deputy Mayor Walma has been re-elected to the Federation of Municipalities of Canada Board of Directors
  • Movies in the Park – Summer 2021
  • Cawaja Beach Phragmites Dig – August 5 & 19, 2021
  • 2022 Budget Survey – Deadline August 31, 2021
  • Mayor’s Charity Golf Tournament (to raise $50,000) – September 10, 2021, at the Orr Lake Golf Club
  • Visit the Township’s COVID-19 webpage at for municipal service impacts and updates
  • Tiny Connect – Sign up now at

NORTH SIMCOE COMMUNITY SAFETY AND WELL-BEING PLAN:  Presented on June 9, 2021 by Karie Warner of Avail Consulting and supported as presented by Council, this Plan lays the foundation for local social development priorities over four years (2021-2025). Its areas of focus are

  • improving equity, access and quality of mental health and addiction services for all residents
  • ensuring everyone has a clear pathway to education, regardless of their age, with a focus on futureproofing local skilled trades and healthcare sectors
  • addressing housing that is affordable and attainable and supporting people so they remain housed

Long (361 pages) and detailed, the Plan is available in the June 9, 2021 Committee of the Whole Agenda.


CUSTOMER SERVICE STRATEGY UPDATE: This is very much a work in progress – terms of reference updated, a new implementation committee structure implemented, newly defined list of objectives. The Customer Care Committee is to provide progress reports to Senior Managers and Council. See REC-005-21 in the Committee of the Whole Agenda for June 9, 2021.


SEVERN SOUND ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATION RESOLUTION: On June 12, 2021, Council supported the SSEA’s resolution requesting support for Federal and Provincial Economic Investments in Priorities to Build Resilience for Severn Sound Watershed Municipalities and Coastal Communities when it is presented at the Annual General Meeting of the Great Lakes St Lawrence Cities Initiative.


STAFF APPOINTMENTS: On June 30, 2021, Haley Leblond was formally appointed the Township’s Director of Finance/Treasurer and Kim LaRose its Deputy Treasurer.


SHORT TERM RENTAL TASK FORCE: Finally, after many deputations and many delays, a little action.  The Terms of Reference for the Task Force are to include potential Official Plan policies and zoning regulations and advertising for Task Force Members. Staff is to obtain a detailed planning and legal opinion on Zoning By-law regulations regarding short-term rentals to assist the Task Force. For full details, see Appendix 1 of MLE-029-21.


COVID RELIEF FROM TAX PENALTIES/CHARGES: The grace period for tax penalties/charges for 2021 has been extended to September 24, 2021.


WYEVALE FIRE HALL AND WYEBRIDGE COMMUNITY CENTRE TELECOMMUNICATIONS TOWERS: Matters are inching forward for these Bell Mobility towers. The Township is to enter into Lease Agreements with Bell Mobility Inc. and to send Letters of Concurrence for the siting of both towers.


AREAS FOR SPEED LIMIT CHANGES: Staff was instructed to implement the following of 41 proposed changes (see PWR-027-21, Committee of the Whole Agenda, June 30, 2021) namely:

  1. Allport Road, speed reduced from 80km/hr to 50 km/hr
  2. Conc. 12E, #397 to Overhead Bridge Road, from 80km/hr to 60km/hr
  3. Green Point, from 40km/hr to 30km/hr
  4. Overhead Bridge, Penetang to Conc 11E past Chickadee Lane, from 70km/hr to 60km/hr
  1. Quesnelle, from 40km/hr to 30 km/hr
  2. Spruce Street, from 50km/hr to 40km/hr
  3. West Shore, Green Point, East Beach, Centre Beach, Thunder Bay Lane, from 40km/hr to 30 km/hr
  1. Trew Ave S-Bend, 40km/hr to 15km/hr